Besides this divine game, the festival also provided Japanese calligraphy, Japanese manga, Japanese origami and Japanese expensive food and a stage for Japanese music, Japanese martial artists, Japanese dancing, Japanese kimono show and music.
My favourite victim this time was a 9-year-old Japanese boy who spoke little German. He fell in love with the game at first sight and played no bad moves despite not knowing the rules in his first game. He even won his second game against me (with my help^^) after which he probably grasped the rules. Later he insisted on playing a third game with me, in which he finally started playing first-line fuseki moves and broken shapes.
Perhaps someone should relay to Robert Jasiek that knowing the rules better makes you weaker.
(I also won my first game of Settlers of Catan and got crushed in the second game after figuring out what was going on.)
It is very hard to explain the rules to newcomers, so that:
-they understand the rules
-they don't get confused
-they don't start playing stupid beginner shapes
-they don't get scared off the game because the rules are so "complex" and never want to play a game again
The Austrian Go champion 2007 came up with this way of explaining rules, skipping the first point:
Lothar Spiegel: "Also das Spiel heißt Go. Es ist das älteste Brettspiel der Welt, älter als Schach. Schach ist böse. (spielt ein paar normale Fusekizüge auf dem 9x9-Brett) Es geht darum, Punkte zu machen. (zeigt auf das Gebiet, das seine Züge einschließen) Wer mehr Punkte macht, hat gewonnen. So, jetzt spielts eine Partie und ich erkläre euch den Rest der Regeln nachher."
Opfer: (Gekicher) Ok. (spielen gute Züge)
(loose translation)
Lothar mirror: So this is Go, the most awesomest game in the world. (talks while playing against himself) It is about making points. (strokes the board) The winner is who makes more points. So now play a game and I will explain you the other rules afterwards."
the victims: Hm Ok. (play good moves)
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