Dienstag, 17. August 2010

Mein Kampf gegen Nichtgospieler / My battle against non-go players

Heute machten sich 3 tapfere Gospieler auf, der Welt das Gospiel näherzubringen und Nachwuchs zu rekrutieren. Beim Go7, wo sie sich mit Material ausstatteten, starteten sie ihre Reise und kamen ihrer Mission bei einer Besichtigungstour durch die Wiener Innenstadt nach.

Three little Go players initiated the plan today that they secretly worked out. With munitions stolen from the Go club, they went around in my hometown to carry out their mission of annihilating all non-go players.

Leider war es nicht sonnig genug, also konnten nur zwei Personen das Spiel kennenlernen, eine davon war sogar interessiert: eine nette Dame, die uns Zeitung und Comics verkaufen wollte, und eine andere, die uns Essen brachte und danach Geld von uns wollte.

Due to suboptimal weather situation total annihilation was not possible. Only two persons fell victim to the sinister messengers of mischief.

Oh Gospieler, die ihr dies lest! Vereinet eure Macht und erzeugt Gospieler!

Sonntag, 8. August 2010

The Introduction to The Blog

Hey, this is Viktor's Go blog. Viktor didn't mean to start blogging, but circumstances forced him to do so.

Read the posts in order=D
I.e. the lowest post first, then the one above, etc.
It gets less interesting the further you read.
(Or rather don't read the posts below this one).


Mittwoch, 4. August 2010


I totally forgot to get to my point in the last post, so I shall write it now:
There should be the same amount of lost games that were won and won games that were lost in the end. (By experience those are more frequent than won won games and lost lost games, that is why I was surprised about my performance at this year's congress.)
So when I lose a game stupidly, I will tell myself that I have also won games stupidly.
This should be just fair.


Losing a won game can make one feel very bad. In my first post ever in a blog I complained verbosely about a game that I could have won. I felt very awkward about that game as it would have been a nice win for me (it would have been my opponent's first loss in Europe :S ). But after a few days the awkwardness vanished. I even greeted her today;)
The same happened to my friend two days ago. He (4d) lost by 1.5 points to a Korean 7d due to an obvious endgame blunder. I promised him to spread the word to alleviate his dismal pain.
Although there should be the same amount of won losing games and lost winning games, I only rarely hear people complain about having won a lost game.
If that is because people start a game expecting to win, a game loss results in a loss anyways.
That wouldn't be the case if people start a game expecting to lose! The loss of a game wouldn't cause a brain fission, whereas a win would make an unexpected convenience.
We can improve our results by reducing the expectation!

Though I am not too sure it is a good idea to expect to lose in the first place:)

Tesuji of the week:

A girl I know was in a situation where she didn't know what she should do. Let us call her Lisetol (totally fictional name).
Lisetol was riding the elevator when a good-looking sexy boy entered and would continue the journey with her. She didn't know him, and he didn't know her. Lisetol couldn't come up with a good move, so eventually their paths parted at the end of the elevator ride.
Later Lisetol contemplated rigorously about the situation and reviewed it in order to try to find out if there was a better move she could have made. This is when she came up with the Tesuji: Jump! The elevator would get stuck and there would have been no good way for him to go out.
Next time Lisetol will remember the proverb: The One-point Jump is never bad!

Dienstag, 3. August 2010


可是我也有聽說某一個羅馬尼亞人直接罵一個 “F#CK!“ 。


(Fuck beat Suck by half a point. The ultimate proof that Fuck is superior to Suck.)

Sonntag, 1. August 2010

The Post

Das Wochenendturnier ist vorbei!
Ich habe 3:2 gespielt und verliere voraussichtlich 10,5 GoR. Ich schreibe dies am Strand, während die anderen Strandvolleyball am Strand spielen. Mir fällt nichts ein, was ich schreiben soll. Laura meinte, ich sollte etwas auf deutsch schreiben. Sie ist sichtlich beeindruckt von Futur 2.
Gestern war alles im H&M um 50 % reduziert. Ich habe einen flauschigen Plüschpulli erstanden. Die Länge der Schlange bei der Kassa, zeitweise auch am Eingang, verhielt sich in etwa exponentiell reziprok proportional zum Gesamtpreis der Produkte. Wir (my Finnish lover and me) kamen dann auch zu spät zur Runde, aber zum Glück waren die Pairings noch später dran.
Heute waren wir (my Finnish lover and me and someone else) bei der Wrong Noodle Bar. Ich dachte mir nichts dabei, als ich eine große Nudel bestellte. Ja, dann haben wir mehr als die Hälfte meiner Nudel eingepackt bekommen.
Als ich eine Partie später die Nudel essen wollte, bemerkte ich ein hübsches Muster an der Papierschachtel, die an Fettflecken erinnern sollten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es Fettflecken waren.
Es gibt gerade kein Bier und nachdem ich kein Bier getrunken haben werde, werde ich nicht besoffen geworden sein.
Mehr Interessantes gab es in meinem Leben nicht.
Wie man vielleicht leicht merkt, habe ich wirklich keine Ahnung, worüber ich schreiben soll :P

(Die Sachen klingen vielleicht belanglos, sind aber sehr wichtige Ereignisse in meinem Leben.)