Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Pros' Nicknames According to Chinese Poker Cards

translated by the me
to be completed when I overcome the laziness

♠A 聂卫平 Nie Weiping "Go Saint"
♠K 藤沢秀行 Fujisawa Hideyuki "World's Number One of First Fifty Moves"
♠Q 大竹英雄 Otake Hideo "Cosmetic Player"
♠J  林海峰 Rin Kaiho 二枚腰 (google says "Two Waists")
♠10常昊 Chang Hao "Duck"
♠9 高川格 Takagawa Kaku "Fox"
♠8 依田紀基Yoda Norimoto "Tiger"
♠7 朴永训 Park Yeonghun "Half Point Prince"
♠6 周鹤洋 Zhou Heyang 濟公 (not sure what it means, can range from "Facilitated Duke" to "Economic Husband")
♠4 谢赫 Xie He "Xie Saint"

♥A 古力 Gu Li "Ancient Great Force" (Gu Li means ancient force)
♥K 曹薰鉉 Cho Hunhyun "Gentle Wind Fast Gun"
♥Q 孔杰 Kong Jie "Little Beauty"
♥J Yu Ch'ang-hyeok "World's Number One Attacker"
♥10加藤正夫 Kato Masao "Stone Amputator"
♥9 陈祖德 Chen Zhude "Chinese Fuseki"
♥8 崔哲澣 Choi Cheolhan "Venomous Snake"
♥6 刘小光 Liu Xiaoguang 天煞星 (google suggests "Day fiends" but I think it means more like "Nemesis". I've also seen Kato Masao being refered to by the same nickname.)
♥5 芮乃伟 Rui Naiwei "Witch That Paints the Board"
♥4 王立誠 O Rissei "Assassin"
♥3 Cao Dayuan "Little Zhuge" (Zhuge Liang, one of the greatest strategists and scholars in Chinese history, his uncommonly two-charactered family name is synonymous with intelligence and strategy)
♥2 胡耀宇 Hu Yaoyu "China Hero"

♦A 坂田栄男 Sakata Eio "Razor"
♦K 趙治勲 Cho Chikun "Digging Mole"
♦Q 小林光一 Kobayashi Koichi "Subway Style"
♦J  木谷実 Kitani Minoru 聖童丸 "Sacred Boy Dumpling"(??)
♦10俞斌 Yu Bin "Washing Mashine"
♦8 周俊勳 Zhou Junxun "Red-faced King"
♦7 石田芳夫 Ishida Yoshio "Computer" (Electronic Calculator)
♦5 王檄 Wang Xi "Rapid Cannon"
♦2 邱峻 Qiu Jun 磨王 "King of Polishing" (in the sense of being diligent, I'd guess. It's a pun on 魔王, demon king, which sounds the same in Chinese)

♣A 李世石 Lee Sedol "Little Lee Flying Knife" (or perhaps Shuriken)
♣K 武宮正樹 Takemiya Masaki "Cosmic Style"
♣Q 马晓春 Ma Xiaochun "Demonic Sword"
♣J  張栩 Cho U 韋陀天 (google suggests "Veda days", literal translation would be "Heaven of steep banks made of leather")
♣10罗洗河 Luo Xihe "Divine Pig"
♣9 小林覚 Kobayashi Satoru 本格派棋士(I don't know what it means, google suggests "The Grid represented in terms of financial", however "Basicist School Player" would make sense, as a friend suggested)
♣8 刘星 Liu Xing "Beauty Guy" (althogh Liu Xing means "Killing Star":D)
♣6 橋本宇太郎 Hashimoto Utaro "Tensai (=Genius) Utaro"
♣2 井山 裕太 Iyama Yuta "Golden Boy"

Joker 李昌鎬  Lee Changho "Stone Buddha"
Joker 吳清源 Go Seigen "Saint of Shōwa" (Shōwa period 1926-1989)
Extra Card: 54 Go masters, sorted by their playing styles. Blabla disclaimer