Just when I should be studying for upcoming exams in foreseeable future, I have been mooching around on KGS and kibitzing.
I noticed that a shift in the habit of kibitzers has been taking place over the last few units of time. The random shoutings of "KO!" and "seki" have decreased. Now it is words like "semedori" and "aji" which make you sound smart.
Secondly the use of words coined by KGS such as "stong", "farl" and "qnert" seem to have declined.
And due to the influenza of MilanMilan, there are a handful KGS 9d who actually speak, contrary to the former situation.
*Kibitzing is the art of commenting an ongoing game. Common techniques involve talking about the players, ranks, Chuck Norris and your mom.
Get Strong at Kibitz!